Exhibition Day!

At the end of the residencies each month, the artists can decide if they want to have an exhibition to show what everyone has been working on. Even if we don’t have completed work, we can display what we have been working on. I love that this residency didn’t require you to complete your work. I will be completing Medusa when I get home so stay tuned! Then I can send them completed photos and they will add them to a residency catalogue. 

We decided to use our house for the exhibition space. It was a warm, sunny day and we had such a good time discussing our works with the public. It was a great way to finish out the residency and see what all of the artists (9 of us) were doing. Some were in the weaving studio, some of us were in the main studio, and some in the tech lab. We all came together on this day to share our talents. 

After the exhibition, we all went out to dinner, which was very special too. Kattrin (my awesome roomy) even sold one of her pieces! It will make it’s way to the first ever (all women’s art museum in Iceland) When it is completed. I’m so proud of her! 

When we didn’t think the day could get any more special…..more Auroras! Better than fireworks.  🙂



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Alice Gong’s weaving
Alice Gong’s weaving
Alice & Layne (resident artists)
Kattrin working on her artwork
Sami & I hanging out on the front lawn
Sami Lemperger’s woven work. Almost 20 feet long!
Dolores Breau - Punch Needle works
Kristi Poole-Adler’s weaving
Jordan Holms tufting works
Kattrin Liesgang’s weaving (SOLD)!
Layne Sharpe’s weaving
More Northern lights!